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Putting Human History and Biology  at the Center of Social Understanding

-Human origins


-Behavioral biology

-Consciousness and neuroscience


Experts and Scientists are starting to speak up and spread the word.


New research and discoveries offer exciting pathways to break through some of the biggest challenges we face.


We are building bridges to bring new understandings in business, government, education and culture. 



What we do

Network building: We facilitate a discussion group and convene events for our growing roster of partners who feel called to bring the wider implications of their work into society.


Media: We edit and syndicate the work of  authors and scientists across the wide fields of biology and anthropology to our partner list of over 500 publications internationally and publish it in the WikiObservatory, an online reference site.


Consulting and workshops:  We work with our partners to educate leadership in key sectors of society and offer tailored approaches to rethinking new plans and initiatives.


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Human Bridges

We help experts find pathways for social impact.


Our Mission and Inspiration

The Human Bridges Foundation believes that many of our biggest challenges and opportunities are best met with a education and understanding in the fields of human biology and anthropology. 


Revolutionary discoveries in the fields human evolutionary history and the historical transition to modern life  have not yet percolated into popular consciousness, or in leadership circles.


We are work with experts and partner organizations at the vanguard of this social movement on a diverse array of media, education and consulting programs to revisit the paradigms of social policy and economic organization.



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William Montague Cobb

Cobb in the 1930s used his expertise in anatomy and biology to shatter racist explanations for perceived differences between African Americans and European Americans.

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Robert Sapolsky

Noted neurologist works began pioneering efforts to build bridges with juries on capital murder cases to rethink common stereotypes around violent behavior -- and what scientific discoveries are telling us.

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Jane Goodall

Goodall has spent decades fighting for wildlife protection, and carried the message to the world that our primate cousins have a lot to teach humanity.

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Joseph L. Graves Jr.

​Most Americans still believe that there is some biological legitimacy to our socially constructed racial categories. However, our modern scientific understanding of human genetic diversity flies in the face of all of our social stereotypes.

Our Team

Stacy-Anne Parke is a graduate student in anthropology at New York University with a focus on applied anthropology and primate growth and development, reproductive ecology.

Reynard Loki is founder of Earth | Food | Life, the largest independent international environmental news syndication service and author network.

Jan Ritch-Frel has been working in the fields of independent media and social justice for over two decades. hH is the founder and publisher of the Wiki Observatory -- and executive director of the Independent Media Institute.

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